Winter Home Emergency Kit

Be prepared by staying warm and fed but remember that survival is the goal over comfort.


Kenneth Bargers

1/1/20251 min read

Winter Home Emergency Kit
Winter Home Emergency Kit

Winter Home Emergency Kit

January 2025 Newsletter | Kenneth Bargers | 01012025

Winter is here! Overall Tennessee is not considered to be an extremely cold weather climate state, but we have had our share of major storms that have caused significant damage and isolation for long periods. Be prepared by staying warm and fed but remember that survival is the goal over comfort.

Do you have a Winter Emergency Kit? Do you understand the infrastructure of your home such as the water shut-off, gas shut-off, electrical panel, and circuit breaker descriptions?

Create your Emergency Kit whether it is a box of supplies or a complete Survival Section in the basement, garage, or closet, and periodically evaluate and test your set-up.

The January 2025 Newsletter focuses on suggested items for your Winter Emergency Kit that may include:

Water 5 gallons per person minimum

Power Source Backup generator with power adapter capabilities for cell phones, computers, etc.

Heat Kerosene heater, fireplace, wood stove, etc. - always evaluate proper ventilation and radon warnings

Food Non-perishable; energy-rich power bars, nuts, dried fruit; can opener; Coleman burner - prepare for your household members of adults, children, babies, pets

Communications Weather radio; radio; battery-powered clock; cell phone; flares for distress signaling - update family members on your current status

First Aid Kit | Medicines As additional precaution order 90 tablet quantities during cold months

Blankets | Layered Clothing

Flashlights | Candles | Batteries | Alternative Powered Light Sources

Household Supplies Rock salt; snow shovel; sandbags; duct tape; matches; fire extinguishers; heavy-grade plastic sheeting; toiletries

VIDEO: Winter Home Preparedness
VIDEO: Winter Car Preparedness