Featured Charities
Please consider these worthy charities that serve our fellow Tennesseans.
Big Brother Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee
The local agency was formed through a group of civic leaders and human service professionals who shared a concern and a vision. Since 1969, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee has affected the lives of thousands of our community’s children… and we are poised to change more lives in the coming years.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee is a growing agency that is expanding its scope and reach to serve every child who wants or needs a mentor in Middle Tennessee.
Hands On Nashville
Hands On Nashville's mission is to meet community needs through service. Our programs connect volunteers to service activities supporting 160+ nonprofits, schools, and civic organizations. Hands On helps its partners maximize volunteer potential, brings awareness to the challenges facing our neighbors and communities, and inspires people to become involved in causes they care about. HON also partners with the city to coordinate volunteers whenever there is a disaster.

Operation Stand Down Tennessee
Operation Stand Down Tennessee provides and connects Veterans and their families with comprehensive resources focused on transition, employment, housing, benefits, peer engagement, volunteerism and connection to the community.
Focused categories include Urgent Needs, Career Services, Transitional Housing, VA Benefits
Subcategories include legal aid, VA shuttle, notary services, food stamp applications, clothing vouchers, computer resources, service referrals, family support, basic needs items/food, networking opportunities
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville
The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville is to “keep families close” by providing essential resources and a “home away from home” for families of critically ill children receiving inpatient or outpatient medical care at Nashville area hospitals.
Programs run by Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville offer a place for parents and family members to relax, refresh and experience the comforts of home while staying close to their sick child.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee
Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee was founded in 1978 by a group of citizens who were concerned about their hungry neighbors. The Food Bank was designed to collect food that would otherwise be wasted, inspect and sort that food, and distribute it to not-for-profit agencies serving hungry people.
By donating to Second Harvest Food Bank, you have the ability to maximize the purchasing power of each and every dollar given. One dollar = four meals.

Thistle Farms
Thistle Farms is a sanctuary for healing for women survivors of abuse, addiction, trafficking and prostitution. We are a community of survivors, advocates, employees, interns, volunteers, and friends from all across the world. We are young and old, women and men. We want to change a culture that still allows human beings to be bought and sold. We believe that in the end, love is the strongest force for change in the world.
Why the Thistle? Thistles grow on the streets and alleys where the women of Thistle Farms have walked. Considered weeds, thistles have a deep root that can shoot through concrete and survive drought. In spite of their prickly appearance, their royal and soft purple center makes the thistle a mysterious and gorgeous flower. Being a Thistle
Farmer means the world is our farm and that we choose to love all creation.